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Certification and declaration

The general concept of product certification in 2007 has undergone significant changes – in October 2007, the Customs Union started its activity. Currently, the member countries of the Customs Union are: the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. For companies operating in the field of international trade on the territory of the Union, a uniform toolkit for confirming compliance with product safety requirements was created and trade turnover between member countries was simplified. When delivering products within the Customs Union, there is no need to re-certify the products being moved, and a document of compliance obtained initially is sufficient.

Meanwhile, some products have not been legally assigned to the regulation of the Customs Union and certification is carried out according to the requirements of the Russian Federation.

All products manufactured on the territory of the Customs Union must comply with the Technical Regulations adopted for such products (one product is often subject to several technical regulations) and the national requirements of the country of origin.

Confirmation of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union is carried out in two forms: Certification of conformity and Declaration of conformity The procedure for assigning products to a certain form of conformity assessment is established by law and the applicant does not have to choose such a form.

One of the main proofs when confirming conformity is the test report drawn up according to the results of Product Tests.

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* – By submitting your data, you are protected by the Federal Law “On Personal Data Protection”.

Certification of conformity

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A document issued by an accredited certification body on the basis of documents provided by the Applicant and test reports confirming the conformity of products with the safety requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.

A prerequisite for product certification is the availability of laboratory test results and / or a quality management system certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions

The applicant may be any organization (manufacturer or seller in the territory of the Customs Union) interested in obtaining such a document.

The production time may be 1-2 days if there is sufficient (established by regulations) evidence or the time of laboratory testing of products + 1-2 for the issuance of a certificate.

The certificate for a batch of goods or a single product is installed indefinitely. A serial production certificate can be issued for up to 5 years, with an additional annual inspection of products.

  • If the products are not subject to certification, but the product code refers to the certified ones, an informational letter or a negative decision is issued.
  • For used goods
  • When a legal entity imports (imports) goods for personal use
  • Individuals who do not release goods into circulation on the territory of the Customs Union.

The requirements for documents for the manufacturer of the goods and the Importer differ, but the basic package of documents should include:

  • An application containing information about the applicant, the name of the product, the manufacturer and the HS code;
  • Detailed product description, operation manual;
  • The document on the basis of which the goods were produced or purchased (technical specification or contract/contract of an authorized person);
  • Document confirming the legality of the import of the sample (customs declaration)

Other documents provided for by the relevant Technical Regulations.

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* – By submitting your data, you are protected by the Federal Law “On Personal Data Protection”.

Making a declaration

Declaration of conformity of products from January 1, 2021 on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out only by the Applicant (certification bodies no longer have such functions) using the Rosaccreditation service, if the Applicant has an EDS of the company using the settings of the Public services service.

The applicant, based on his own evidence and evidence obtained with the participation of a third party, in accordance with the current legislation, forms and registers a declaration of conformity. Acceptance of the declaration of conformity implies that the Applicant, based on the evidence available to him, considers the products put into circulation to be safe and comply with the Technical Regulations that apply to them.

For different types of products, there are several declaration schemes that contain their own characteristics, which are reflected in the Technical Regulations governing the Circulation of such Products. One of the main proofs of conformity of products specified in Technical Regulations and other regulatory acts is the test report, which can be obtained as a result of conducting laboratory tests in an accredited or non-accredited laboratory.

An indication of the possibility of conducting laboratory tests in non-accredited laboratories is possible for some products and is also established by Technical Regulations.

Our specialists make the process of forming a set of documents for registration of the declaration of conformity, as well as the process of obtaining evidence from the testing laboratory, as comfortable as possible, and as a result, you will only need to click just a few buttons online under our guidance and get the registered DS.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The applicant can be any organization (manufacturer or seller in the territory of the Customs Union) that is interested in obtaining such a document. Starting from January 1, 2021, only a resident of the Russian Federation can be an applicant on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The production time may be 1-2 days if there is sufficient (established by regulations) evidence or the time of laboratory testing of products + 1-2 for registration of the declaration.

The declaration for a batch of goods or a single product is established indefinitely.

A serial production declaration can be issued for up to 5 years.

It is recommended to withdraw declarations of conformity that have not been used for more than one year yourself.

  • If the product is not subject to certification, but the product code is considered certified – an informational letter or a negative decision is issued.
  • For used goods
  • When a legal entity imports (imports) goods for personal use
  • Individuals who do not put goods into circulation on the territory of the Customs Union.

The document requirements for the product manufacturer and Importer differ, but the basic package of documents should include::

  • Applicationcontaining information about the applicant, product name, manufacturer, and HS code;
  • Detailed product description, user manual;
  • Document on the basis of which the goods were produced or purchased (technical specification or contract/contract of an authorized person/ foreign service);
  • Document confirming the legality of importation of the sample (customs declaration)
  • Industry documents in the field of veterinary medicine, phytosanitary or other documents in the implementation of additional control of declared products by state bodies.

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* – By submitting your data, you are protected by the Federal Law “On Personal Data Protection”.

Product testing or laboratory testing

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Our company has several laboratories in its assets, where we regularly test products for compliance with certain requirements.

In order to control the quality of products and for the purposes of certification and declaration of products, we conduct tests of products for compliance with safety requirements according to Technical Regulations and other standards, as well as on product quality indicators at the request of the applicant.

Mandatory tests on the territory of the Customs Union and the Russian Federation are traditionally considered to be studies on product safety indicators.

Product quality control belongs to the applicant’s monitoring area and determines each range of its own needs independently.

Frequently Asked Questions

The applicant may be any organization or individual interested in conducting such research.

The production time always depends on the range of studies and there are separate methods and corresponding deadlines for conducting various tests.

Traditionally, the protocol can extend and confirm the safety or quality of the goods to the batch from which the selection was made according to the provided sample or to a certain sample of the received goods.

  • An application containing information about the applicant, the name of the product, the indicators for which research is required;
  • Foreign industry standard and methodology (if there is a task of testing for requirements that differ from the requirements in the Russian Federation or if there are no such requirements)


Technical regulations of the Customs Union

TR CU 004/2011 “On safety of low-voltage equipment”

TR CU 005/2011″On packaging safety”

TR CU 007/2011 “On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents”

TR CU 008/2011″On toy safety”

TR CU 009/2011 “On the safety of perfume and cosmetic products”

TR CU 010/2011 “On the safety of machinery and equipment”

TR CU 011/2011 “Elevator safety”

TR CU 012/2011 “On the safety of equipment for operation in explosive atmospheres”

TR CU 014/2011 “On road safety”

TR CU 015/2011″On grain safety”

TR CU 016/2011 “On the safety of devices running on gaseous fuel”

TR CU 017/2011 “On the safety of light industry products”

TR CU 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”

TR CU 019/2011 “On the safety of personal protective equipment”

TR CU 020/2011 “Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means”

TR CU 021/2011 “On food safety”

TR CU 022/2011 “Food products in terms of their labeling”

TR CU 023/2011 “Technical regulations for fruit and vegetable juice products”

TR CU 024/2011 “Technical regulations for fat and oil products”

TR CU 025/2012 “On the safety of furniture products”

TR CU 029/2012 “Safety requirements for food additives, flavorings and technological aids”

TR CU 030/2012 “On requirements for lubricants, oils and special fluids”

TR CU 031/2012 “On the safety of agricultural and forestry tractors and trailers to them”

TR CU 032/2013 “On the safety of equipment operating under excessive pressure”

TR CU 033/2013 “On the safety of milk and dairy products”

TR CU 034/2013 “On the safety of meat and meat products”

EAEU TR 037/2016 “On restriction of the use of hazardous substances in electrical and radio electronics products”

EAEU TR 038/2016 “On the safety of amusement rides”

EAEU TR 040/2016 “On the safety of fish and fish products”

EAEU TR 042/2017 “On safety of equipment for children’s playgrounds”

EAEU TR 043/2017 “On requirements for fire safety and extinguishing equipment”

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Заключение ОЗОН
(заключение об озоноразрущающих веществах)

Заключение об озоноразрущающих (ОРВ) веществах один из необходимых документов для прохождения таможенной очистки. Получение такого заключения возможно путем привлечения специализированной лаборатории, которая проверяет продукцию и содержание ОРВ в соответствии постановлением Правительства РФ от 24.03.2014 № 228 и решением Коллегии ЕЭК от 30 августа 2016 г. № 99. Эти нормативные документы определяют список ОРВ и их допустимое содержание.

Для оформления Заключения об ОРВ продукция не должна в своем составе содержать озоноразрущающих веществ, а при их содержании, которое нормируется законодательными актами – требуется оформление разрешения на ввоз Озоноразрушающих веществ.

Импорт и экспорт ОРВ

На ввоз и вывоз озоноразрушающих веществ требуется оформить специальное заключение. В России их могут выдавать Росприроднадзор и Ростехнадзор.

Заявителем может быть любая организация, заинтересованная в проведении таких исследований.

Срок изготовления всегда зависит от типа товара, обычный срок испытаний – 1-3 дня

Обычная практика оформления при импортно-экспортных операциях – ежегодно.

  • Заявление, содержащее данные о заявителе, наименовании товара, показателях на которые требуется провести исследования;
  • Техническое описание товара с указанием веществ, которые могут относится к проверяемым.
  • Этикетка

Для оформления заключения на ввоз требуется более расширенный комплект документов, включающий в себя:

  • Контракт
  • Страховой полис на груз
  • Договора и иные гарантии от сервисных организаций в случае ввоза утилизированных и (или) рециркулированныхОРВ  в целях восстановления, а также ввозимых в качестве сырья.
  • Сведения, подтверждающие, что перемещение ОРВ осуществляется в таре многократного применения.

Заключение спирт (заключение о спиртосодержании)

Заключение о спиртосодержании необходимый документ для прохождения таможенной очистки, подтверждающий уровень содержания спирта в продукте или отсутствие его содержания.

Заключение оформляется на основании протокола испытаний на показатели содержания спирта.

Заявителем может быть любая организация, заинтересованная в проведении таких исследований.

Срок изготовления всегда зависит от типа товара, обычный срок испытаний – 1-3 дня

Традиционно протокол может распространятся и подтверждать содержание спирта в товарной единице партии товара. Обычная практика оформления при импортно-экспортных операциях – ежегодно.

  • Заявление, содержащее данные о заявителе, наименовании товара, показателях на которые требуется провести исследования;
  • Этикетка
  • Образец

Заключение радиология

Заключение о радиологической безопасности один из необходимых документов для прохождения таможенной очистки, подтверждающий радиологическую безопасность продукции.

Заключение оформляется на основании протокола испытаний на радиологические показатели.

Заявителем может быть любая организация, заинтересованная в проведении таких исследований.

Срок изготовления всегда зависит от типа товара, обычный срок испытаний – 1-3 дня.

Традиционно протокол может распространятся и подтверждать содержание спирта в товарной единице партии товара. Обычная практика оформления при импортно-экспортных операциях – ежегодно.

  • Заявление, содержащее данные о заявителе, наименовании товара, показателях на которые требуется провести исследования;
  • Этикетка
  • Образец

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