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Environmental design

Environmental design is a complex of works for the preparation and subsequent approval by the supervisory authorities of a package of environmental documentation necessary for carrying out any economic activity in accordance with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation.

No enterprise, construction or any other object that has a negative impact on the environment has the right to conduct its activities without an appropriately developed and executed environmental project.

From 1 to 4 months (depending on the type of environmental documentation).

From 10 and 30 business days, respectively (depending on the type of project documentation and regulations of the coordinating bodies).

Instance — Rosprirodnadzor, the Ministry of Ecology, Rospotrebnadzor, Rosrybolovstvo, Hydromet, Water Resources Management and others.

-медицина-1 Ekologiya-eng

Environmental impact assessment EIA

List of environmental protection measures EMP

Standards for permissible VAT discharges (water)

Maximum permissible emissions of MPV (air)

Waste generation standards and their limits PNOOLR (waste)

Report of small and medium-sized enterprises

SPZ sanitary protection zone

Water use agreement

Adverse meteorological conditions of NMU

Waste certification



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Environmental impact assessment EIA project

An EIA project is developed without fail if the following conditions are met::

  1. It is planned to carry out measures of state significance in the field of environmental expertise in relation to the object under construction. For example, if the construction of the enterprise will be carried out in specially protected natural areas.

  2. State expertise in the field of construction is not carried out in relation to the projected enterprise. And for issuing permits for the construction of a building, an environmental impact assessment is performed. The purpose of this procedure is to confirm the fact that the structure under construction does not have a negative impact on the surrounding nature.

  3. According to the requirements of supervisory authorities, such as Rospotrebnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, Gosstroynadzor and local administrative bodies, there are situations when the establishment of a sanitary protection zone is not required and only an environmental assessment of the EIA is necessary.

  4. When building an enterprise in the area where airports are located.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of January 16, 2008, the draft EIA must include the section “List of environmental protection measures”.

Compliance with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, which have recently been increasingly controlled by state bodies, and fines for non-compliance with the requirements can significantly exceed the cost of development.

In addition, ecology has become one of the strategic directions of our country. For all manufacturing and service companies, the main conditions for their development and existence, especially for first-and second-tier enterprises, are:

  • Prevention and identification of negative consequences (EIA expertise) affecting the ecological state of the environment during the implementation of project data in the activity.
  • Implementation of the EIA procedure in the course of activities to monitor compliance with environmental protection requirements.

    The design process consists of two main stages, where it is necessary to:

  • Assess the current state of the territory, take into account all components of the natural environment and predict the degree of adverse environmental impact, consider all possible construction options and design solutions and choose the best one;
  • Develop measures to reduce and prevent impacts, taking into account public opinion.

The term for developing an EIA project (Environmental Impact Assessment), if all the initial data are available, is from 1 month, depending on the complexity of the object.

The validity period of the EIA project is not set. At the moment, only the validity period of the EIA declaration is set and it is submitted once every 7 years, provided that the technological processes of the main production facilities, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of emissions, discharges of pollutants and stationary sources remain unchanged.

In accordance with Order No. 372 of 16.05.2000, the set of documents that make up the EIA includes: 

  • General information (banking details, object names) and a statement of intent (declaration, investment justification - a brief summary of the project)
  • Explanatory note to the document (quantitative and qualitative indicators of the project)
  • Description of alternative options for launching an object or technology. In fact, it is an indication of the benefits of its implementation and operation.
  • Measures to reduce the possible negative impact on the environment
  • Environmental monitoring program in the area of location and operation of the facility
  • Materials of public hearings
  • General project summary

Regulatory documentation:

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* – By submitting your data, you are protected by the Federal Law “On Personal Data Protection”.

List of environmental protection measures EAPM project

The list of Environmental Protection Measures (EMEP) is a mandatory section of reconstruction or new construction projects that contains justification for measures to protect the environment, restore the natural environment, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, and ensure environmental safety.

New construction and reconstruction of buildings, structures, structures and other objects, in accordance with the law, should be carried out only according to the relevant projects. A mandatory part of the project structure is the section of the EMP.

All organizations that are engaged in the placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation, conservation and liquidation of buildings, structures, structures and other objects that have a direct or indirect negative impact on the environment are required to carry out their activities in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, including in the field of environmental protection. environmental protection (development of the environmental protection section of the project documentation).


The composition and content of this section may differ depending on the specifics of designing enterprises in various industries or the parameters of residential and civil facilities.


The requirements for project content documents are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content".

The list development period starts from 10 days, depending on the complexity of the object.

Documents required for the development of an EMP project

  • Location of the item with a mandatory list of adjacent buildings and structures
  • List of documents confirming ownership of the land plot.
  • Permission of local self-government bodies "on approval of the location of the planned building", "on the selection of a land plot","on design".
  • A situation plan on a scale of M=1: 2000. Depending on the total area of the site, the situation plan can be presented both on a scale of M=1:5000 and M=1: 10000
  • A technical report on a full-scale survey of a land plot, an act of full-scale technical survey of the plot, as well as a conclusion and a list of a complete list of tree and shrub vegetation that falls under cutting. Documents are provided if there is shrubby vegetation and trees on the plot allocated for construction.
  • Results of engineering and geological surveys.
  • Results of completed engineering and environmental surveys.
  • Reference on background concentrations, climate characteristics obtained in CGMS-R, for the area under development.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the site allocated for construction.
  • Technical specifications for connection to water supply and sewerage networks.
  • Information about the number of employees of the enterprise, the main work schedule, the number of shifts, as well as the number of workers.
  • Information about the availability of vehicles on the company's balance sheet, indicating the car brand, engine volume and type. For trucks, the load capacity is indicated. List of places and capacity of transport parking, including guest parking spaces.
  • When reducing the regulatory sanitary protection zone of an object, the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor is required.
  • If the planned object is a water user, then the conclusion of the "Department of Fisheries" is required.
  • Solution for the boiler room.
  • Solution for the installation of household and storm sewers with the provision of certificates for installation.
  • Data on the existence of specially protected areas and sanitary protection strips in the study area.
  • Explanatory note.

Regulatory documentation:

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* – By submitting your data, you are protected by the Federal Law “On Personal Data Protection”.

Establishment of a sanitary protection zone
SPZ project

A sanitary protection zone (SPZ) is a protective area around objects and industries that are sources of impact on the environment and human health. The size of the SPZ should ensure the reduction of atmospheric pollution (chemical, biological, physical) to the values established by hygiene standards, and for enterprises of hazard class I and II-both to the values established by hygiene standards and to the values of acceptable risk to public health.

The sanitary protection zone of the enterprise is established on the basis of the requirements of the Federal Law No. 96-FZ of 04.05.1999 / On Atmospheric air Protection and SanPiN 2.2.1/

According to the SanPiN “Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects” determines the size of the sanitary zone by the amount of damage caused to the environment, and also serves as a guide for developing a SPZ project when designing the specified zone.

Establishment of the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone is required for enterprises under construction or under reconstruction:

  • Legal entities and individuals that place, design, build, and use industrial facilities with an increased hazard class

  • For the draft justification for reducing SPZS (if the territory includes non-industrial facilities)

The term of development of the design of the calculated SPZ (without taking into account the approval of regulatory authorities) can range from 2 weeks to 6 months, depending on the complexity of the object and the number of sources of negative impact on atmospheric air.

Drawn up in accordance with all legislative acts and approved by the Rosprirodnadzor bodies, the SPZ plan-scheme will be valid for the duration of the enterprise's production activity if the level of activity of the organization remains unchanged.

Documents for drawing up a project for the organization of a sanitary protection zone (SPZ) for an existing enterprise

  1. Certificate of state registration.
  2. Copy of the land lease agreement (certificate of ownership of the land plot).
  3. Situational plan M 1: 2000.
  4. Master plan with applied existing buildings and indication of prospective construction in M 1: 500.
  5. Plan-scheme of equipment placement.
  6. Draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal (draft of the IDP) with a permit for waste disposal.
  7. Draft standards for maximum permissible emissions into the atmosphere (draft MPV) with a permit for emissions of pollutants.
  8. Draft standards of permissible discharges (draft VAT) with a permit for the discharge of pollutants.
  9. A copy of the agreement for receiving storm water.
  10. A copy of the water supply and sewerage contract.
  11. A copy of the heat supply contract.
  12. A copy of the hot water supply agreement.
  13. Production control program for compliance with sanitary norms and regulations.
  14. Noise passports of ventilation systems and equipment and marking of the beginning and end of air ducts on the company's map-scheme.
  15. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for environmental protection (for approval of the project in the Department of Rospotrebnadzor).
  16. Information on the actual generation, use, and disposal of waste for past periods (3 years) (Form 9.11) (for project approval by the Rospotrebnadzor Department).

  1. Land lease agreement or Certificate of state registration of the right.

  2. Act of selecting a land plot.

  3. Pre-project studies (i.e. explanatory note: k-in m/m, specify where parking lots will be located, internal location-ventilation, transformers, etc.)

  4. General information about the projected object: brief description of the construction object (reconstruction, liquidation); preliminary technological solutions, technical and economic indicators; preliminary technical conditions for connection to the water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply, electricity supply networks; the proposed method of drainage and treatment of storm, industrial and domestic wastewater; availability, type sewage treatment plants (if any); distance to the nearest residential development.
  5. Master plan M 1: 500.

  6. Situational plan M 1: 2000 with drawing of the nearest residential development.

  7. Certificate of background concentrations of harmful substances and brief climatic characteristics of the construction area issued by CGMS-R.

Required documents for project approval

  • application for issuing a decision on establishing (changing) a sanitary protection zone;
  • sanitary protection zone project;
  • expert opinion on the implementation of a sanitary and epidemiological expertise in relation to the project of a sanitary protection zone.
  • information about the applicant's state registration contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs) and held by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The applicant has the right to submit documents containing information independently.

  1. a) information on the size of the sanitary protection zone;

  2. b) information about the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone (names of administrative-territorial units and a graphic description of the location of the boundaries of such a zone, a list of coordinates of characteristic points of these borders in the coordinate system used for maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate, including in electronic form);

  3. c) justification of the size and boundaries of the sanitary protection zone in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, including taking into account calculations of dispersion of harmful (polluting) substances in the atmospheric air, physical impact on the atmospheric air and risk assessment for human health;

  4. d) a list of restrictions on the use of land plots located within the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone, in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Rules for establishing sanitary protection zones and using land plots located within the boundaries of sanitary protection zones, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 222 of 03.03.2018;

  5. e) justification of the possibility of using land plots for the purposes specified in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 5 of the Rules for the Establishment of sanitary protection zones and the use of land plots located within the boundaries of sanitary protection zones, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 222 of 03.03.2018, including taking into account calculations of atmospheric air pollution dispersion, physical atmospheric air and risk assessments for human health (if the project does not provide for the establishment of such restrictions on the use of land plots).

Regulatory documentation:

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* – By submitting your data, you are protected by the Federal Law “On Personal Data Protection”.

MPV (Maximum permissible emissions)

Maximum permissible release — the standard for the release of a harmful (polluting) substance into the atmospheric air, which is defined as the volume or mass of a chemical substance or a mixture of chemicals, microorganisms, or other substances, as an indicator of the activity of radioactive substances that is permissible for release into the atmospheric air by a stationary source and (or) a combination of stationary sources, and compliance with requirements in the field of atmospheric air protection.

The MPV project is necessary for enterprises that have sources of air emissions (parking/garage, processing equipment, boiler house, gas station, etc.).

The project (MPE) is required to establish MPE standards, on the basis of which the amount of payments for negative effects on atmospheric air is determined.

  1. Boiler room or stoves (wood-fired / gas / fuel oil / coal, etc.)
  2. Storage areas for bulk materials (sand / gravel / coal, etc.)
  3. Garages or parking lots for cars, road equipment, buses, etc.
  4. Operation of road equipment and loaders
  5. Blacksmith shop and blacksmithing works
  6. Charging the batteries
  7. Metal surfacing and soldering
  8. Vulcanization
  9. Glue works
  10. Maintenance of vehicles
  11. Storage tanks/barrels for any fuel, oils, and chemicals. substances, etc. Filling / overflow points, etc.
  12. Metalworking machines
  13. Woodworking machines
  14. Maintenance of any animals and birds
  15. Manure storage facilities
  16. Treatment facilities: receiving chamber, grid building, sand traps (horizontal / vertical), primary settling tanks, aeration tanks, secondary settling tanks, biological ponds, silt compactor, wet residue or activated sludge tanks, silt pad, sand pad.
  17. Oil traps, sewage pumping stations, chlorination plants
  18. Post painting or large amounts of painting work
  19. Laundry or dry cleaning, washing in washing machines
  20. Engine cleaning and running-in
  21. Landfill for waste storage
  22. Welding station / machine
  23. Baking of bakery products
  24. Laboratory
  25. Railway transport
  27. Generators powered by LPG, gasoline or diesel fuel
  28. Gas equipment with the possibility of venting
  29. Working with plastic (crushing, melting, casting, any processing)
  30. Compressor
  31. Working with chemical products. Reagents

  1. To avoid fines during inspections of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation, Rosprirodnadzor of the Russian Federation that control environmental issues, and bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation

  2. Used for generating environmental reports in Form 2-TP (air)

  3. Used for calculating environmental payments

  4. It is used when registering existing objects with a negative impact on the environment

  5. Required when developing a project for a sanitary protection zone of an enterprise

  6. Required when obtaining a license for collecting, transporting, processing, disposing, neutralizing, and disposing of hazardous waste classes I–IV

  7. This is an important step towards improving the efficiency of the enterprise and improving the environmental situation

The draft MPV and emission standards for pollutants are valid for 7 years, provided that the technological process remains unchanged.

The deadline for developing a draft of MPV standards (without taking into account approval by regulatory authorities) can be from 1 month, depending on the complexity of the object and the number of sources of pollutants released into the atmospheric air.

List of documents and source data for the development of the POA project:

  1. Details of the company (full and abbreviated name of the organization; details (in full); code of statistical reporting; full name of the director; full name of the person responsible for the environment at the enterprise, phone, e-mail);
  2. Brief information about the company (types of activities, time mode of operation with indication of the mode of operation for each production building, number of working days per year (number of shifts));
  3. Copies of title documents for the land plot, buildings and structures;
  4. Copy of cadastral plans (passport) for the occupied land plot;
  5. A copy of the TIN and ORGN certificates, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and an order appointing a director.
  6. Copy of the nature user registration certificate;
  7. List of tenants that are objects of environmental impact, their activities, number of employees;
  8. Information about the production structure of the enterprise (list of structural divisions of the enterprise);
  9. Production capacity of the enterprise per year (projected and actual for 3-5 years);
  10. List of vehicles and special equipment on the company's balance sheet;
  11. Certificate of fuel consumption used in the boiler house and technological installations (in physical terms by month); fuel certificate, boiler operating maps;
  12. List of main technological equipment by site (shop) with indication of the number of working hours;
  13. Data sheets for ventilation and dust and gas treatment plants;
  14. Technical reports on performance measurements of dust and gas cleaning equipment; in workshops;
  15. Protocols for measuring emissions of pollutants performed as part of production control at sources of emissions into the atmosphere and the SPZ border, conducting an inventory of sources of emissions, commissioning and other works;
  16. Previous version of the draft PDV;

Background information:

  1. Reference on the working time fund (by shop floor) for the year with the maximum indicators;
  2. Information about the list and quantity of raw materials and products used (for the last 3-5 years)
  3. Reference on the future development and design capacity of the enterprise;
  4. Help about simultaneous operation of the equipment;
  5. Certificate of liquidated sources and those under conservation;
  6. Information about background pollution (background concentrations) in the area of the company's location (if this information is not available, please contact the Moscow Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring with regional functions
  7. Certificate of climatic characteristics in the area of the company's location (if this certificate is not available, please contact the Moscow Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring with regional functions.

Map data:

  1. General plan of industrial sites of the enterprise M 1:500 (1:1000) (with an explication of all buildings and structures, indicating the area of the land plot in hectares, the boundaries of the territory of the industrial site of the enterprise, enclosing structures);
  2. Situational map-a map of the territory where an enterprise is located, with residential development and industrial facilities within the boundaries of the SPZ (1: 1000 or 1: 2000 with the stamp of the Department of Architecture

This list of documents is indicative and can be revised depending on the object for which the project is being developed.

Under Article 8.21. of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (Violation of the rules of atmospheric air protection):

  1. The release of harmful substances into the atmospheric air or harmful physical impact on it without a special permit entails the imposition of an administrative fine:

- for citizens in the amount of 2,000 to 2,500 rubles;

- for officials-from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles;

- for legal entities-from 180,000 to 250,000 rubles; or administrative suspension of activity for up to 90 days.


  1. Violation of the conditions of a special permit for the release of harmful substances into the atmospheric air or harmful physical impact on it entails the imposition of an administrative fine:

- for citizens in the amount of 1,500 to 2,000 rubles;

- for officials-from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles;

- for legal entities-from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles.


  1. Violation of the rules of operation, failure to use facilities, equipment or equipment for cleaning gases and controlling emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air, which may lead to its pollution, or the use of defective specified facilities, equipment or equipment entails the imposition of an administrative fine:

- for officials in the amount of 1,000 to 2,000 rubles;

- for legal entities-from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles; or administrative suspension of activity for up to 90 days.

Regulatory documentation:

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* – By submitting your data, you are protected by the Federal Law “On Personal Data Protection”.

VAT (Standards for permissible discharges into a water body)

According to Federal Law No. 7-FZ of 10.01.2002 (as amended on 29.07.2018) “On Environmental Protection”, Article 22, the draft standards for permissible discharges (VAT) are calculated by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs planning the construction of objects of categories I and II (when conducting an environmental impact assessment), as well as those engaged in economic activities. and (or) other activities at Category II facilities.

VAT project:

The purpose of the VAT project is to provide water quality standards at the discharge point. The VAT draft provides for standards for permissible discharges of pollutants and microorganisms into a water body, and it regulates the discharge of drains and return water reservoirs. The document also takes into account different types of economic activities, which in one way or another can affect the state and degree of contamination of ground and underground waters.

To get started, you need to find out what category the company belongs to:

  • If the reset is carried out in the Central Bank, and the subscriber does not belong to the categories specified in the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 230 of 18.03.2013, then VAT does not need to be developed.;
  • If the company is included in these categories, VAT must be developed and approved by 01.01.2020;
  • If the company discharges directly into a water body, a full-fledged VAT project development is required.

Preliminary list of documents:

  1. Brief description of the company's activities, information and banking details;
  2. Characteristics of production technology in terms of water use and wastewater discharge;
  3. Description of the water use and sanitation scheme;
  4. Cartographic material: a situational map of the discharge object and water body, discharge points (outlets), the background alignment, as well as a plan of the water user's territory with diagrams of engineering communications;
  5. Characteristics of wastewater treatment facilities –composition, efficiency of treatment, scheme and description of water treatment and wastewater treatment (if these facilities are available);
  6. Balance of water consumption and sanitation;
  7. Analysis protocols and certificates of water quality analysis in the control area for the last year, performed by an accredited laboratory, with an accreditation certificate attached;
  8. Waste water consumption data for each outlet;
  9. List of indicators that are normalized in wastewater;
  10. Title documents for buildings, structures, land plots, licenses for the right to use subsurface resources or sections of water bodies;
  11. Coordinates of wastewater discharge points;
  12. Schedule of waste water release control;
  13. Action plan for the rational use and protection of wastewater;
  14. Information about background concentrations of harmful substances in a water body;
  15. Hydrological characteristics of a water body;
  16. Decision on the right to use a water body;
  17. Fisheries characteristics of a water body.
  18. Information about a general water body (requested from the territorial basin water Department of the Federal Agency for Water Resources in accordance with the established form

VAT values are developed both by the water user organization and by a project or research organization on its behalf.

VAT plans are developed and approved for 5 years. Provided that the production technology or environmental situation in the water body receiving discharges does not change.

no more than 3 months with the condition that all the specified references and information are collected quickly and efficiently. If you provide all the necessary data at the initial stage, the development period is 1 month.

  1. Applicationfive copies (to Rosprirodnadzor, Hydromet, Rosrybolovstvo, Rospotrebnadzor, territorial water Administration) for VAT approval;

  2. Five copies of the VAT draft (in hard copy);

  3. Five copies of the VAT draft (on electronic media);

  4. Five copies of data filled in in accordance with Annex 2 to the Methodology on the actual discharge of substances and microorganisms separately for each issue for the previous 5 years.

  1. Territorial body of Rosvodresursov;

  2. Territorial body of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;

  3. Territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare;

  4. Territorial body of the Federal Agency for Fisheries;

  5. Territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Management.

Starting from 02.07.2013, a fine of 80,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles is imposed on legal entities for violating the rules of water use when taking water, without removing water, and when discharging waste water into water bodies under Article 8.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. or administrative suspension of activity for up to 90 days.

Regulatory documentation:

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Adverse weather conditions (NMUs)

Unfavorable meteorological conditions (NMUs) are those that interfere with dispersion and affect the accumulation of pollutants in the air. NMUs are short-lived, but they have a significant negative impact on the quality of atmospheric air and, of course, on the health of the population.

Order No. 811 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation dated 28.11.2019 “On Approval of Requirements for measures to reduce emissions of Pollutants into the atmospheric air during periods of Adverse Meteorological conditions” establishes that economic entities that have sources of pollutant emissions develop measures to reduce emissions under adverse meteorological conditions, taking into account the degree of danger of predicted NMUs for all sources of emissions at facilities NVOS of categories 1, 2 and 3 that are subject to regulation in the field of environmental protection.

The action plan must be developed by all legal entities and sole proprietors that have sources of pollutants released into the air. This requirement applies to both federal and regional enterprises.

The Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region is the body responsible for providing Public services.

The NMU action plan is approved for 7 years, provided that the technological processes of the main production facilities, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of pollutant emissions and stationary sources remain unchanged.

Administrative Code, Article 8.1. "Non-compliance with environmental requirements in the implementation of urban development activities and operation of enterprises, structures or other objects". Failure to comply with environmental requirements in territorial planning, urban zoning, territory planning, architectural and construction design, construction, major repairs, reconstruction, commissioning, operation, decommissioning of buildings, structures, structures and other capital construction objects entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine:

- for citizens in the amount of 1,000 to 2,000 rubles;

- for officials from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles;

- for legal entities from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Regulatory documentation:

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* – By submitting your data, you are protected by the Federal Law “On Personal Data Protection”.

Waste certification

A waste passport is a document that identifies waste generated from the activities of an enterprise or employees. According to the law, a passport is developed for each type of waste of hazard class 1-4, while it is not necessary to make a passport for waste of class 5.

The development of a hazardous waste passport is the responsibility of every enterprise that generates waste in the course of its activities. On production and consumption waste (as amended on April 7, 2020) (revision effective from June 14, 2020) Federal Law No. 89-FZ of 24.06.1998, Article 14 tells about hazardous production and consumption waste, any waste, regardless of whether it is assigned to the first or fourth class, must be certified with a passport.

The development and approval of waste passports should be carried out at each enterprise where waste of grades 1-4 is generated. Waste passports are an integral part of the waste management project.

1st class – Extremely dangerous. They are characterized by the highest degree of impact on the environment, the recovery period is not defined;

2nd class – Highly dangerous. They are characterized by a serious impact on the ecological balance, the recovery period is at least 30 years;

3rd class-Moderately dangerous. They are characterized by a moderate impact on the environment, with a recovery period of approximately 10 years;

4th class – Low-risk. They have a low degree of negative impact on the environment with a recovery period of 3 years.

5th class - Practically non-hazardous waste.

Hazardous waste passports are issued for waste of hazard class 1-4. No passport is issued for waste of the 5th class

The hazardous waste passport has the following validity periods:

  • To avoid fines during inspections by environmental supervisors
  • It is used for calculating environmental impact assessment fees (NVOS).
  • It is used in the development of the PNOOLR
  • Required when entering into contracts for waste removal or transfer
  • This is a small but important step towards improving the efficiency of waste disposal and recycling

  • identification of each type of waste, conducting laboratory tests to identify garbage, its qualitative and quantitative characteristics;
  • filling in the required documentation indicating all the parameters of the waste studied;
  • submission of documents to Rosprirodnadzor;
  • getting a passport and issuing it to the client

Regulatory documentation:

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* – By submitting your data, you are protected by the Federal Law “On Personal Data Protection”.

MSME (Report of small and medium-sized businesses)

The report of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs), sometimes referred to as the SME Waste report, should contain information on the generation, use, disposal and disposal of waste. Submission of this report does not cancel the obligation to submit statistical reports to 2-TP (waste).

from 5 business days.

  • Legal entities and entrepreneurs that belong to the category of small and medium-sized businesses are required to submit SMBS (SME) reports.
  • These include enterprises with up to 250 employees and revenues of up to 2 billion rubles per year.

  • Reporting of MSMEs (SMEs) is submitted in a notification manner to:
  • Department of Rosprirodnadzor.
  • Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management in the Moscow Region.
  • Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow.

  • The reporting period is 1 year.
  • For federal enterprises, the MSME Report is submitted annually until January 15 of the year following the reporting year.
  • For regional enterprises, the MSME Report is submitted annually until February 20 of the year following the reporting year.

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Form 2-TP (air)

Form 2-TP (air) – an annual statistical report that is filled out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs that have stationary sources of pollutants (SV) released into the atmospheric air, regardless of whether your sources of emissions are equipped with treatment plants or not.

  • 2 Form-TP  air, approved by Rosstat Order No. 661 of 08.11.2018, is submitted by the respondent to the local branch of Rosprirodnadzor by January 22 of the year following the reporting year.

- MPP project (inventory of sources of pollutant emissions in form 1-air);

- information letter with codes (OKPO, OKVED, OKONKh, OKATO, OKOPF, OKFS, INN, KPP.

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2-TP reporting (waste)

2-TP (waste) reporting – annual statistical reporting that provides information on the management of industrial and consumer waste. The form is provided by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the management of industrial and consumer waste.

The term “waste management” refers to activities related to the collection, accumulation, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, and disposal of waste.

The term — production and consumption waste refers to substances or objects that are formed in the process of production, performance of works, provision of services or in the process of consumption, which are disposed of, intended for disposal or are subject to disposal.

Под термином – обращение с отходами понимается деятельность по сбору, накоплению, транспортированию, обработке, утилизации, обезвреживанию, размещению отходов.

Под термином – отходы производства и потребления понимаются вещества или предметы, которые образованы в процессе производства, выполнения работ, оказания услуг или в процессе потребления, которые удаляются, предназначены для удаления или подлежат удалению.

  • Copies of contracts and acts of acceptance and transfer of waste to other legal entities for the reporting period for use, neutralization, storage and disposal, copies of landfill coupons.
  • Statistics codes.

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2-TA Vodkhoz

2-TP vodkhoz is a form of environmental statistical reporting that contains information about the water use of an economic entity. As a rule, this reporting form is filled out by water users who discharge harmful substances into water bodies in the course of their activities.

  • Submit the report 2-TP (vodkhoz) must-legal entities (legal entities) and individual entrepreneurs of water bodies or carry out water use from water supply systems.

  • The deadline for submitting a report to 2-TP vodkhoz is January 22 of the year following the reporting year.

  • Water use agreement/decision on granting a water body for use;
  • Data on accounting for the volume of water resources taken (withdrawn) from water bodies and the volume of wastewater and (or) drainage water discharge, their quality;
  • Permit for the discharge of pollutants;
  • Balance of water consumption and sanitation;
  • Wastewater analysis protocols;
  • Statistics codes.

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The need to develop a PHRR for enterprises is determined by a key regulatory act-Federal Law No. 89 of 24.06.1998 “On Production and Consumption Waste” of 24.06.1998, Article 11, according to which legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the operation of buildings, structures and other objects related to waste management are required to develop PHRR in order to reduce the amount of their formation, with the exception of small and medium-sized businesses.

  • for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in hazardous waste disposal activities, it is established for the duration of the license to carry out activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste. The IDRR and waste disposal limits for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities operating in the field of waste management in the Baikal Natural Territory are reviewed annually.

In all other cases, the term of validity of the PNOOLR is 7 years.

In order to confirm compliance with the approved waste generation standards and the limits on their disposal formed during the reporting period, economic entities(their branch (s) or separate subdivisions) annually draw up and submit a technical report on waste management in a notifying manner to the relevant territorial bodies of Rosprirodnadzor.

  • The project development period is up to 30 days, starting from the date of receipt of all the source documents required for the development of the EIDP. Approval period, according to the current Rospotrebnadzor regulations (45 days).

  • Required documents;
  • Brief information about the production activity, staff, and structure of the enterprise, with a description of the purpose and characteristics of all objects (production and commercial divisions, sites, workshops, teams, offices, departments, buildings, structures, etc.).
  • Business details.
  • Information about the average number of employees.
  • Qualification certificate of environmental education of the person responsible for environmental protection (environmental safety) at the enterprise.
  • Plan-scheme of the enterprise with the size of the territory and indication of storage locations for all types of waste.
  • Time mode of operation, number of working days per year.
  • Situational map-a map of the company's location area.
  • Information about the technological equipment used.
  • A list of the company's machine tool fleet by site, indicating the grades, operations performed on them, and waste generated.
  • Information about the consumption of raw materials, materials and fuel and energy resources (actually the previous or current year, the plan for the next year).
  • Certificate of vehicles on the company's balance sheet indicating the brand, quantity, planned mileage, parking (storage) places, maintenance and repair.
  • Copy of the lease agreement or certificate of ownership of land, buildings, premises and structures.
  • If there are tenants on the territory of the client company, brief information about the tenant is required: name, banking details, brief description of the activity, occupied area.
  • Information about the method of accounting for waste management of this tenant (it is included in the landlord's IDP, or has/is developing its own project).
  • A list of all types of generated industrial and consumer waste.
  • Analysis of the component composition of waste that is not included in the FKKO list, conducted by an accredited laboratory.
  • A copy of the laboratory's accreditation certificate.
  • The number of fluorescent lamps used on the territory of the enterprise by brand.
  • Information about the implementation/non-implementation of cleaning of hard surfaces on the territory of the enterprise, their area.
  • Waste collection points. A complete description of the locations, indicating the volume of collection tanks, the size of the sites, the type of site cover, and storage methods (street or room).
  • Copies of contracts for the disposal of all types of industrial and consumer waste for the current and next year, copies of the license of organizations receiving waste, accounting documents (invoices, certificates, invoices) on waste delivery.
  • Information about the presence of wastewater treatment plants at the enterprise: their full characteristics, scheme (if there are any wastewater treatment plants).
  • Waste data sheets of hazard class 1-4 (if available).
  • Previous draft waste generation standards (if available).

  • Failure to comply with environmental and sanitary-epidemiological requirements for the collection, storage, use, incineration, processing, neutralization, transportation, disposal and other handling of industrial and consumer waste or other hazardous substances in accordance with Article 8.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation provides for the imposition of a fine:

- for individuals in the amount of 1,000 to 2,000 rubles;

- for officials-from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles;

- for persons engaged in business activities without forming a legal entity-from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles or administrative suspension of activity for up to ninety days;

- for a legal entity from 100,000 to 250,000 rubles or administrative suspension of activity for up to ninety days

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Water use agreement

A water use agreement is drawn up in accordance with the Rules for Preparing and Concluding a water use agreement, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 165 of 12.03.2008 “On Preparing and Concluding a Water use Agreement.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Rules, the preparation and conclusion of a water use contract in the form of an approximate water use contract approved by the above-mentioned resolution is carried out on the basis of an application from a legal entity, individual or individual entrepreneur.:

– The Federal Agency for Water Resources or its territorial bodies — in relation to federally owned reservoirs, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 26 of the CC RF, as well as seas or their separate parts;

– the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to conclude water use agreements — in respect of water bodies owned by constituent entities of the Russian Federation and water bodies federally owned and located on the territory of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

– local self-government body — in relation to water bodies that are owned by the municipality.

An individual, legal entity or individual entrepreneur interested in obtaining a water body for use (hereinafter referred to as the applicant), applies to one of the above — mentioned bodies at the place of intended water use with an application for granting a water body for use (hereinafter referred to as the application).

In accordance with clause 5 of the Rules, the application specifies::

  • information about the applicant:

– full and abbreviated name, legal form, location, bank details — for a legal entity;

– surname, first name, patronymic, place of residence, data of the identity document — for an individual and an individual entrepreneur;

  • name and location of the water body;
  • justification of the purpose, types and duration of water use

  • up to 2 months from the date of submission of all necessary documents

Approval body – Ministry of Ecology

  • Administrative Code of the Russian Federation No. 195-FZ of 30.12.2001 (as amended). 08.2018)

Article 7.6. Unauthorized occupation of a water body or its use in violation of the established conditions

Unauthorized occupation of a water body or part of it, or its use without documents that give rise to the right to use the water body or part of it, or water use in violation of its terms and conditions:

  • for citizens-from 1 to 3 thousand rubles
  • for officials-from 10 to 30 thousand rubles
  • for persons engaged in business activities without forming a legal entity-from 10 to 30 thousand rubles .rub or administrative suspension of activity for up to 90 days;
  • for legal entities-from 50 to 100 thousand rubles .rub or administrative suspension of activity for up to 90 days;

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